PyGeo: a dynamic geometry toolkit


sphere through the 4 given points

CircumSphere (point1,point2,point3,point4 )
Sphere (point1,point2,point3,point4 )
points distinct



Methods defined in CircumSphere

f __init__(self, p1, p2, p3, p4) ...

f findSelf(self) ...

Methods defined in _Sphere

f rmatrix(self) ...

return a 4x4 matrix representing the sphers's plane center

Methods defined in Element

f __iter__(self) ...

make all objects iterable, returning "self" in the simplest instance

f __len__(self) ...

length of the iterable assocaited with the object

f update(self) ...

method that is called on change events, calling reoutines to find current position based on dependecies, current visibility status, etc.

f _allreal(self) ...

test whether any Elements on which there is a dependency have become 'null', i.e. not calculatable - .e.g, imaginary when working within real space

f setshow(self) ...

check for change in visibiliy status and toggle visibility as necessary, reset change flag to 0 on effectuating change in visiblity

f _togglenull(self) ...

toggle the 'null' flag, indicating whether the current postion of the object's position is visible - e.g. is real when working in real space

f _setnull(self, to_null=True) ...

set object and the objects dependant on it to 'null' when its position cannot be made visible- e.g. imaginary when working in real space.

f init(self) ...

method to be overridden for objects needing an supplementary initiliazation routine after the call to __init___

f reset(self) ...

Routine to return Element to intial position. Default is to run update routine

f reset_trace(self) ...

method to be overridden to erase loci of objects that are traceable

f reset_trace_curves(self) ...

method to be overridden to erase curves traced by point objects

Methods defined in drawSphere

f _redraw(self) ...

send current position of the sphjere's defining attributes - its radius and center - to render object, and render in accordance with style sttribute

f draw(self) ...

the sphere object is represented either by a cvisual sphere or as a wire mesh of cvisual curves

f povout(self, buf) ...

export the scene's spheres to PovRay SDL


a __opts__


a __doc_hints__

{'args': ['point1,point2,point3,point4'],
 'conditions': ['points distinct'],
 'factory': 'Sphere',
 'otherwise': 'None'}

See the source for more information.