the set of points in space that are equidistant from a given point
Element , drawSphere
defining instance attributes
- _center the sphere's center point
- _cpoint a point on the sphere's circumference
- _radius: the sphere's radius
- _radiusSquared: the square of the sphere's radius
Methods defined in _Sphere
intialize attributes, with keywords arguments or defaults
return a 4x4 matrix representing the sphers's plane center
Methods defined in Element
make all objects iterable, returning "self" in the simplest instance
length of the iterable assocaited with the object
method that is called on change events, calling reoutines to find current
position based on dependecies, current visibility status, etc.
the function called to recalculate an objects postion at a change event,
to be overridden in subclasses
test whether any Elements on which there is a dependency
have become 'null', i.e. not calculatable - .e.g, imaginary when
working within real space
check for change in visibiliy status and toggle
visibility as necessary, reset change flag to 0 on
effectuating change in visiblity
toggle the 'null' flag, indicating whether the current postion of the
object's position is visible - e.g. is real when working in real space
_setnull(self, to_null=True)
set object and the objects dependant on it to 'null' when
its position cannot be made visible- e.g. imaginary when working in real
method to be overridden for objects needing an supplementary initiliazation routine after
the call to __init___
Routine to return Element to intial position.
Default is to run update routine
method to be overridden to erase loci of objects that are traceable
method to be overridden to erase curves traced by point objects
Methods defined in drawSphere
send current position of the sphjere's defining attributes - its radius
and center - to render object, and render in accordance with style sttribute
the sphere object is represented either by a cvisual sphere or as a wire mesh
of cvisual curves
export the scene's spheres to PovRay SDL
the source
for more information.