Go directly to PyGeo sourceforge
download location or read installation instructions below.
It is somewhat audacious to call the set of tools with which it works, PyGeo's "dependencies".
More accurately stated, PyGeo is an add-on module to this tool set - a set of tools which is well worth exploring independently of
an interest in PyGeo.
- The Python programming language and standard libraries:
Python is a popular and growing professional programming language, which has been under active development for a number of years.
It is full featured, multi-paradigm, with a strong complement of standard libraries. And with all that, it is wonderfully approachable by the
non-professional. There is a host of reference books and on-line resources available that range in intended
audience from the absolute beginner to the highly anointed.
It attracts a devoted, active and quite interesting user community.
- Numerical Python:
Numerical Python (NumPy) adds a fast multidimensional array facility to Python.
It was developed under the auspices of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
to attend to highly demanding, real number crunching tasks. Yet, it doubles quite
nicely as an educational tool for the exploration of matrix algebras, at near any level
of complexity.
"3D Programming for Ordinary Mortals."
Developed at Carnegie Mellon University for use within their Physics curriculum. The code
itself written (and copyrighted) by an undergraduate student.
High quality, good performance 3d graphics. Succinct, compact, and highly useful extension
for many visualization applications. Tightly integrated with Python *and* Numeric Python.
Exploration of the examples included in the distribution is recommended.
Python, Numerical Python and VPython are all free, open source, and fully cross platform -
should run on all reasonably current Linux distributions ,Windows versions, MAC operating systems,
as well as most other UNIXes. PyGeo should run agnostically on any system on which the described
tool set runs.

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Download and installation: General Instructions
- Download and install the latest Python version for your platform according to the
instructions at the official Python download page
- Download and install the VPython distribution compatible with the version and platform of the Python
installation from the VPython download page.
The VPython distribution will include the Numeric Python distribution necessary for running VPython and PyGeo
There is now an
offical Debian VPython distribution.
- Retrieve the PyGeo files as a .tgz file here.
Decompress the file in an appropriate location (.e.g. one's home directory) and run the setup.py file in the root
of the directory structure - >>python setup.py install
Download and installation: Windows
- Download and install the latest Python according to the
instructions at the official Python download page
- Retrieve and execute the self-installing executable for VPython (includes Numeric)
compatible with your Python version
- Retrieve and execute the self-installing executable for PyGeo
compatible with your Python version
Download and installation: Mac
- Download and install the latest Python according to the
instructions at the official Python download page
For Max OS X 10.3 and later you should end at the site for the
offical unoffical MacPython builds
VPython runs under Fink on OS X. See the discussion at here
for available Fink distributions.
- Retrieve the PyGeo files as a .tgz file here.
Decompress the file in an appropriate location (.e.g. one's home directory) and run the setup.py file in the root
of the directory structure - >>python setup.py install
Scream for help on any Python install problems emailing either help@python.org or tutor@python.org should bring
quick response.
For VPython install issues, post to visualpython-users@lists.sourceforge.net - which, again, is active and responsive.
For PyGeo issues, or Python or VPython or Numeric issues or questions not otherwise being resolved,
e-mail me at ajsiegel@optonline.com
None of this should be nearly as bad as this description might make it sound. For Windows users we are essentially
talking about 2 fully self-executing wizard-based installations, and the unzipping of the PyGeo files to the proper place.
Nothing more.