What is PyGeo?
Quoting from the PyGeo Overview document:PyGeo is most fundamentally a framework for the creation of dynamic geometric constructions - i.e. constructions which embody defined and persistent geometric relationships responsive to real time on-screen interactivity.
PyGeo is, further, an implementation of this underlying abstract framework - exposing a range of geometric objects as the building blocks for virtual, dynamic geometric constructions.
The focus is away from Euclidian geometry and metrics, and toward later geometric and mathematical developments - particularly those connected with projective geometry of real space, and the geometry of complex numbers on the plane and on the unit (Riemann) sphere.
January 2006. Once again, new release for the new year. Download
Quote :
“More likely than not, when one opens a random modern mathematics text on a random subject, one is confronted by abstract symbolic reasoning that is divorced from one's sensory experience of the world, despite the fact that the very phenomena one is studying were often discovered by appealing to geometric (and perhaps physical) intuition. This reflects the fact that steadily over the last hundred years the honour of visual reasoning in mathematics has been besmirched. Although the great mathematicians have always been oblivious to such fashions, it is only recently that the "mathematician in the street'' has picked up the gauntlet on behalf of geometry.” Visual Complex Analysis
Tristan Needham
The Conic Determined by 5 co-planar pointsView script: PointConic.py
PyGeo is free and open source, implemented in Python by Arthur Siegel using additional open source resources: VPython and Numerical Python .
Email PyGeo's creator, Arthur Siegel