plane oriented in space
f Plane() ...
factory function returns instance a class rperesenting a 2 dimensional surface spanned by two linearly independent vectors
- constructors:
- Plane (line1,line2,point )
- plane through the given point and parallel to the given 2 lines.
- calls: class ParaLinesPlane(line1,line2,point)
- Plane (point1,point2,point3 )
- plane through the 3 given points
- calls: class PlaneFromPoints(point1,point2,point3)
- Plane (sphere,point )
- plane polar to the given point with respect to the given sphere
- calls: class PolarPlane(sphere,point)
- Plane (plane,point )
- plane through the given point and parallel to the given plane
- calls: class ParaPointPlane(plane,point)
- Plane (point1,point2 )
- plane normal to the line connecting given 2 points and on the 2nd given point
- calls: class PlaneFromNormal(point1,point2)
- Plane (oint1,point2,point3 ,TRIANGLE )
- triangle connecting the given 3 points
- calls: class Triangle(oint1,point2,point3)
- Plane (plane,point1,point2 )
- plane through the given 2 points and perpendicular to the given plane
- calls: class PerpPlane(plane,point1,point2)
See the source for more information.