array of lines with a defined geometric relationship
f LineArray() ...
'factory function returns instance a class representing an array of lines with a defined geometic relationship
- constructors:
- LineArray (pointarray1,pointarray2 )
- array of lines connecting the points of the 2 given point arrays
- calls: class ArrayMap(pointarray1,pointarray2)
- LineArray (planepencil1,planepencil2 )
- array of lines of intersection of 2 given plane sheaves
- calls: class PlanesPencilIntersect(planepencil1,planepencil2)
- LineArray (point,plane )
- array of equidistant lines on given plane and through given point
- calls: class LinePencil(point,plane)
- LineArray ([point1,point2,point3],[point1a,point2a,point3a] )
- array of lines connecting points of the projective correspondance defined by the 1st list of 3 points and the 2nd list of 3 points
- calls: class PointMap([point1,point2,point3],[point1a,point2a,point3a])
- LineArray (pointarray,point )
- array of lines through the points of the point array and the given point
- calls: class LineMap(pointarray,point)
- LineArray (conic,pointarray )
- array of lines polar to the points of the given point array with respect to the given conic
- calls: class CorrelationLines(conic,pointarray)
- LineArray (pointarray,line1,line2 )
- array of lines transverse to the given lines through given array of points
- calls: class Regulus(pointarray,line1,line2)
See the source for more information.