PyGeo: a dynamic geometry toolkit


points of the complex plane with fixed or dependant position

f zPoint() ...

factory' function returns instance of a class representing a point of the complex plane with position fixed or dependant on its arguments

zPoint (upoint )
complex point (stereographically) projected from the given point of the Riemann sphere
zPoint (zcircle1,zcircle2 )
complex point of intersection of the radical axis of the given 2 circles and the line of the circles' centers
zPoint (zpoint,zpoint,<angle=float> )
complex point determined by stereographic projection of the rotation of the second complex point argument, with the projection of the first complex point argument as the rotation axis, by the given angle.
zPoint (zcircle,<angle=float> )
complex point on the given complex circle rotated by the given angle (in radians)
zPoint (angle=float,dist=float )
complex point fixed at given 'angle' and 'dist' polar coordinates
zPoint (zpoint, zcircle )
complex point inverse to the given complex point with respect to the given complex circle
zPoint (float <,float> )
complex point fixed at given (real, imaginary) coordinates
zPoint (zpoint ,ORTHO )
complex point orthogonal to the given complex point, i.e. antipodal to it's stereographic projection onto the Riemann sphere.
zPoint (zpoint1,zpoint2,zpoint3 )
complex point harmonic conjugate to the 3rd given complex point with the respect to the 1st and 2nd given complex points
zPoint (zpoint ,CONJUGATE )
complex point conjugate of the given complex point
zPoint (upoint,zpoint,<angle=float> )
complex point determined by stereographic projection of the rotation of the complex point argument, with the given point of the Riemann sphere as the rotation axis, by the given angle.

See the source for more information.