PyGeo: a dynamic geometry toolkit


geometric objects of the complex plane as transformed by a given Moebius tranformation

f mobTransform() ...

factory function returns instance of a class representing a given list of objects transformed by a Moebius tranformation

mobTransform ([list of objects] )
Mobius transformation reciprocating the given list of objects of the complex plane
mobTransform (mobTransform, [list of objects] )
Mobius transformation applied to the given list of objects of the complex plane defined by the matrix inverse of matrix representing the given Mobius transformation
mobTransform (zcircle1, zcircle2, [list of objects] )
Mobius transformation applied to the given list of objects of the complex plane mapping the interior of the first given complex circle to the exterior of the second given complex circle,
mobTransform (zcircle, [list of objects] )
Mobius transformation applied to the given list of objects of the complex plane mapping the given complex circle to the unit circle.
mobTransform (zpoint, [list of objects] ,TRANSLATE )
Mobius transformation translating the given list of objects of the complex plane in the direction of the given complex point
mobTransform (zpoint, [list of objects] ,MULTIPLY )
Mobius transformation multiplying the given list of objects of the complex plane by the given complex point
mobTransform ([list of 3 points], [list of 3 points], [list of objects] )
Mobius transformation applied to the given list of objects of the complex plane mapping the 3 (ordered) complex points of the first point set to the 3 (ordered) complex points of the second point set.
mobTransform (zpoint, float , [list of objects] )
Mobius transformation applied to the given list of objects of the complex plane induced by the rotation of the Riemann sphere, with the stereographic projection of the given complex point as axis, by the given numeric angle (in radians)
mobTransform (zpoint1,zpoint2,float,[list of objects] )
Mobius transformation applied to the given list of objects of the complex plane with the given 2 complex points as fixed points, and the given numerical value as the transformation mulitplier

See the source for more information.