PyGeo: a dynamic geometry toolkit


circles of the complex plane

f zCircle() ...

factory' function returns instance of a class representing the locus of points equidistant from a given point of the complex plane

zCircle (zcircle1,zcircle2 ,FUNDAMENTAL )
complex circle by which the first zcircle argument is tranformed to second zcircle argument by inversion . required 'alt=FUNDAMENTAL' keyword
zCircle (ucircle )
complex circle as the stereographic projection of the given spheric section of the Riemann sphere to the complex plane
zCircle (zcircle,zpoint1,zpoint2 )
complex circle orthogonal to the given complex circle, and through the given 2 zpoint arguments.
zCircle (zcircle1,zcircle2 ,INVERSE )
complex circle inverse to the second given zcircle argument with respect to the first given zcircle
zCircle (None )
" complex circle with center at origin center and unit radius
zCircle (zcircle,zpoint )
complex circle orthogonal to the given complex circle , with given zpoint as center
zCircle (zpoint1,zpoint2 )
complex circle with the first given zpoint as center and the second given zpoint on the circumference
zCircle (zpoint1,zpoint2, zpoint3 )
complex circle through the given 3 zpoints

See the source for more information.