PyGeo: a dynamic geometry toolkit


points which move on the Riemann sphere or an object on the sphere at each update cycle

f uAniPoint() ...

factory function returns instance of a class represetning a point which moves in relation to a given geometric object of the Riemann sphere at each update cyle

uAniPoint (float,<float> )
uAniPoint (<theta = float> <,phi= float> )
point of the Riemann sphere that moves as a spiral on the sphere from its initial point to its antipodal point, with the initial point determined by given polar coordinates, in radians
uAniPoint (zcircle <,float> )
point of the given spheric section of the Riemann sphere that moves along the spheric section at each update, with its initial position determined by optinal float argument, in radians

See the source for more information.