PyGeo: a dynamic geometry toolkit


sheaf of planes through the given line

PlaneSheaf (line )
PlaneArray (line )



Methods defined in PlaneSheaf

f __init__(self, line) ...

f findSelf(self) ...

Methods defined in _PlaneArray

f __iter__(self) ...

override of Element __iter__ to return the planes of the array

f __len__(self) ...

override of Element __len__ to return the number of planes of the array

f init(self) ...

Methods defined in Element

f update(self) ...

method that is called on change events, calling reoutines to find current position based on dependecies, current visibility status, etc.

f rmatrix(self) ...

each object has a 4x4 matrix associated with it, representing the object's axis of rotation and translation from the origin. Needed for the implementation of the Projection class. Set to the identity matrix by default.

f _allreal(self) ...

test whether any Elements on which there is a dependency have become 'null', i.e. not calculatable - .e.g, imaginary when working within real space

f setshow(self) ...

check for change in visibiliy status and toggle visibility as necessary, reset change flag to 0 on effectuating change in visiblity

f _togglenull(self) ...

toggle the 'null' flag, indicating whether the current postion of the object's position is visible - e.g. is real when working in real space

f _setnull(self, to_null=True) ...

set object and the objects dependant on it to 'null' when its position cannot be made visible- e.g. imaginary when working in real space.

f reset(self) ...

Routine to return Element to intial position. Default is to run update routine

f reset_trace(self) ...

method to be overridden to erase loci of objects that are traceable

f reset_trace_curves(self) ...

method to be overridden to erase curves traced by point objects

Methods defined in drawArray

f _redraw(self) ...

iterate through the objects of the array and call the objects _redraw routine to redraw at its current position

f draw(self) ...

the objects of the array get initialized on creation by the array's init method - this is only to mark the array itself as initialized

f povout(self, buf) ...

export the objects of the scene's arrays to PovRay SDL


a __opts__


a __doc_hints__

{'args': ['line'], 'factory': 'PlaneArray'}

See the source for more information.