complex point which moves the 2nd given complex point along the path induced by the rotation of the unit sphere, with the stereographic projection of the first complex point argmuent as axis of rotation, and initial position determined by the 'angle' keyword.
constructors:- zRotatingPoint (zpoint1,zpoint2 <,angle=float> )
- zAniPoint (zpoint1,zpoint2 <,angle=float> )
Methods defined in zRotatingPoint
Methods defined in _zPoint
f to_uSphere(self, upoint) ...
set the given point to the projection of the zpoint to the Riemann sphere
f from_hermitian(self, h) ...
set the position on the zplane from the Hermitian matrix representation of the point
Methods defined in CPosition
Methods defined in Element
f _togglenull(self) ...
toggle the 'null' flag, indicating whether the current postion of the object's position is visible - e.g. is real when working in real space
Methods defined in zdrawPoint
f draw(self) ...
For consistency in iterating Element's rendering objects, all elements rendering information is in a list called self.rend. In the case of Points, it is either a single element list, containing a cvisual sphere object, or a 2 element list with each element an oriented cvisual pyramid object, which together form a diamond shape representing the point
a __opts__
['color', 'initcolor', 'trace', 'level', 'texture', 'extend', 'povout', 'label', 'append', 'export', 'pointsize', 'tracewidth', 'tracecolor', 'maxtrace', 'mintrace', 'fontsize', 'fontcolor', 'fontXofffset', 'fontYofffset', 'tracecurve', 'style', 'rate', 'angle']
See the source for more information.