PyGeo: a dynamic geometry toolkit


drawing back-end for objects derived from the _Point class

Methods defined in drawPoint

f _redraw(self) ...

send current position in scene to render object, and render in accordance with style sttribute

f setext(self) ...

where point is dependent on line and we want to extend the drawing of the dependant line to meet the point (needs to be overridden if there is more than on dependent line

f do_trace(self) ...

If, on update, traced point has moved within limits defined by 'mintrace' and 'maxtrace' append its new position to the trace curve

f reset_trace(self) ...

Re-intialize list of traced points to None

f reset_trace_curves(self) ...

Re-intialize list of traced curves to None

f draw(self) ...

For consistency in iterating Element's rendering objects, all elements rendering information is in a list called self.rend. In the case of Points, it is either a single element list, containing a cvisual sphere object, or a 2 element list with each element an oriented cvisual pyramid object, which together form a diamond shape representing the point

f povout(self, buf) ...

export the scene's points to PovRay SDL

See the source for more information.