a straight line of the complex plane , representing a complex circle of infinite radius
Element , zdrawLine
defining instance attributes
- p1: a complex point on the line
- p2 a complex point on the line
- _hermitian: the hermitian matrix associated with the line
Methods defined in _zLine
f to_uSphere(self, uCircle) ...
sets the given ucircle to the projection of the line to the Riemann sphere
Methods defined in Element
f _togglenull(self) ...
toggle the 'null' flag, indicating whether the current postion of the object's position is visible - e.g. is real when working in real space
Methods defined in zdrawLine
a __opts__
['color', 'initcolor', 'trace', 'level', 'texture', 'extend', 'povout', 'label', 'append', 'export', 'tracewidth', 'tracecolor', 'maxtrace', 'mintrace', 'fontsize', 'fontcolor', 'fontXofffset', 'fontYofffset', 'tracecurve', 'style', 'linewidth', 'label_ratio', 'show_normal']
See the source for more information.